Monday, December 29, 2008

Wealth and powerty

To be rich or poor? How would you define ít? If wealth is owning stuff then powerty would be the opposite. There is an analoge here. A story. Goes like this: At the time the Buddha lived there was a man that did not really like or understand the Buddha. Hence he decided to confront the Buddha to tell him off. He said some nasty things face to face. Buddha did not answer. The man continued his verbal assaults though.
At last, the man was bewildered. He asked the Buddha why would he not answer? Then Buddha said that if someone gives you a gift and you refuse to receive that gift, then who does the gift belong to?
The man said that the gift would then belong to the giver. He turned and left.

What you give so shall you receive. That man had a lot of money, but was poor.
There is a lot of these stories. Even today. Look for them. To be continued. Hope some of you respond.

Take care. See you later

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